How Pelvic Pain Becomes Chronic Pelvic Pain: Central Sensitization
What is Interstitial Cystitis

If my doctor’s had more knowledge in pain science or chronic pelvic pain, I’m sure they would have given me the treatment needed to help me find relief and try to prevent me from developing Central Sensitization . If my math is right, I’ve been living with chronic pain for over 15 years. I started […]

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10 Things You Don’t Always See with Chronic Illness
10 Things You Don't See with Chronic Illness

Chronic illness isn’t new to me. I grew up with an incredibly strong mother living with Lupus/Fibromyalgia/Arthritis. She even had both hips replaced at the same time! I know, what a badass right? One of the earliest memories I have, is trying to swing from my mom’s bed trapeze (the aid to help her sit […]

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12 things to do instead of watching Netflix when you have a Chronic Illness.
Photo of laptop open to netflix

I’ve become quite the couch potato since getting diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, Endometriosis and Fibromyalgia. Some days, it is all I’m capable of doing. However, there are some days and even parts of the day, I know I’m doing it out of pure routine and habit. There have been too many times lately that I’m […]

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